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IBM Connect 2017 live keynote streaming

Giuseppe Grasso

La nuova rinnovata edizione di IBM Connect in San Francisco è in pieno svolgimento, ma chi è rimasto in italia non viene lasciato all'asciutto!

IBM quest'anno ci offre ben due streaming da connect: il primo per il keynote principale, il secondo per il keynote tecnico.

Image:IBM Connect 2017 live keynote streaming

per vedere entrambi è necessario registratrsi al sito https://ibmgo.com/connect2017
Image:IBM Connect 2017 live keynote streaming

ed una volta registrati si può accedere alla programmazione da questa pagina: https://ibmgo.com/connect2017/schedule

per il keynote principale, l'appuntamento è oggi 21 febbraio alle 19:00 ora italiana,
il titolo è  
Unleash your potential with cognitive workplaces

l'abstract riporta:
What happens when every organization is digital? The winners will be those that apply cognitive capabilities to their digital collaboration, content and workflows. They will augment human potential with a workplace that understands your work patterns and preferences, and adjusts accordingly. That helps us make better choices about what and who is important, and what’s next. Hear from Inhi Cho, General Manager, IBM Collaboration Solutions, as she shares how Watson will transform everyday work. Listen from customers who are turning that vision into reality. Watch the future unfold with the latest announcements, demos, and innovations from partners like Cisco, Box and others. See TEDTalk star Sheena Iyengar share fascinating research on how businesses (and others) can improve the experience of choosing.
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per il keynote tecnico invece , l'appuntamento è stasera 21 febbraio alle  22:30 ora italiana,
il titolo è  
Redefine Everyday Work with IBM and Ecosystem Technology

l'abstract riporta:
Get ready for an exciting tour of the latest and greatest IBM Collaboration innovations. The Connect Technical Keynote will take you inside the new cognitive capabilities in Watson Workspace, Verse and Connections. You’ll also see groundbreaking extensibility improvements, learn how you can modernize your Domino apps, and get a peek into the future courtesy of IBM Labs. Along the way, there will also be new partnership, ecosystem, roadmap and product announcements to make sure you are completely up to speed.
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Insomma, sarà una serata intensa quindi buona visione a tutti!!

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